What is a Registered Training Organisation?

Registered Training Organisations, known as RTOs, are recognised as providers of quality-assured and nationally recognised training and qualifications. RTOs must distinguish between accredited and/or nationally recognised training and assessment leading to the issuance of AQF certification from any other training or assessment they deliver. RTOs are also able to provide training which is not accredited or nationally recognised.

Is National Training Services (NTS) a Registered Training Organisation?

National Training Services Pty Ltd (NTS) is an Australian Registered Training Organisation (TOID 21254). National Training Services operates under different brand names for each of our course areas. These brand names are registered with ASIC and approved by our regulator ASQA.

The brand names NTS trades under are as follows:

Building and Construction, Building Trades, and Civil Construction

Trading as National Construction Training RTO 21254

Food Processing, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain Operations

Trading as National Training Services RTO 21254

Is National Training Services (NTS) regulated by authorities?

National Training Services (NTS) is regulated by ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority). NTS undergoes quality audits by the department to ensure compliance and quality is always maintained.

NTS works with industry to provide recognition of the training they provide, award Nationally Recognised Certification and maintain the records and documentation required by State and Federal Government regulatory and funding authorities.

Are National Training Services (NTS) trainers qualified to teach?

All NTS Trainers/ Assessors are required to be qualified in delivery and assessment prior to commencing employment with NTS.

Trainers/ Assessors employed by NTS have relevant industry experience and have training/assessment qualifications or the relevant Trainer/ Assessor skill sets in-line with the standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015.

How do I know what course and qualification level to enrol in?

Enrolment into a qualification level will depend on your prior qualifications already obtained or whether you are applying for recognition of prior learning or credit transfer. To determine what your training needs are, contact the training centre relevant to your course interest and arrange a pre-training interview.

What are course pathways?

Pathways allow students to move through qualification levels with full or partial recognition for the qualification and/or learning outcomes already gained.

What is the difference between Nationally Recognised Qualifications and Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment?

Nationally Recognised Training and Qualifications are accredited under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) can issue qualifications which are recognised anywhere in Australia, not just in the state or territories in which the study is conducted.

Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainments fall under the same category as NRQ’s, however these certificates are issued when students complete accredited units in a qualification without necessarily completing the full qualification. Statement of Attainments recognise full and partial completion of a Nationally Recognised Qualification.

What type of Government assistance is available and am I eligible for funding?

Students may be eligible for Government Funding through the Victorian Skills First Program. Eligibility can be determined by making an appointment for a Pre -Training and Skills Review Meeting. Contact us to enquire about your eligibility.

What protection is provided to students?

Where course fees apply National Training Services Pty Ltd is required to invoice no more than $1,500 in advance of the course commencement. Once the course has commenced there is a monthly payment plan available.

Where there are any changes to the agreed services that will affect the learner, including in the event of National Training Services closing down, National Training Services will advise learners in writing within 10 business days of the event, this includes changes to  third party arrangements or a change of ownership.